Renee TarantowskiDec 9, 2017


16 days until Christmas.

I don't feel ready in so many ways.

This year I am slowing down.  The presents are slowly being purchased.  The cookies are coming along--a new batch every few days.  The tree is up and pretty without the ornaments.

Entrance exams, birthday parties, ACT exams, shopping, cleaning, art shows . . . school parties, cookie exchanges, volunteering galore.

In all of it I am a beacon of love.  Or at least I try.

Renee TarantowskiDec 8, 2017


Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.

That's grace.

To lift up when it is much easier to put down.

That's grace.

To not return unkindness with unkindess but instead meet it with love.

That's grace.

To listen when I'd rather talk.

That's grace.

To stand in their shoes.

That's grace.

Tonight I was as graceful as a gazelle.  It doesn't always work out this way.  Typically, more like a bull in a china shop.  

Tonight I needed to be full on graceful, breathing in calm and exhaling any stress that I felt.  Soon I was breathing in calm and exhaling love.  I'm sure that is what gazelles do.

Renee TarantowskiDec 7, 2017

Neutral Ground

When two worlds come together it is a beautiful moment.

I am the neutral ground.  

Renee TarantowskiDec 6, 2017


The holy space of struggle.

Struggle is a sacred space between you and the Divine to work out a solution.

Renee TarantowskiDec 5, 2017


Kindness in words creates confidence.

Kindness in thinking creates profoundness.

Kindness is giving creates love.

Lao Tzu

I have this quote framed in my house and I read it every day.  It gives me a moment to check in and ask myself if I'm being kind in my words, thoughts, and deeds.

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