love, love, love

When you do things from your soul, you feel a river moving in you, a joy.




I am the author of Blessed by Breakfast, part cookbook, part loving awareness, and a tribute to Mother Earth.

My writing comes from a place where my heart is dancing, my soul singing.  It is sacred, mindful, truthful, compassionate and always curious.  

I do not shy away from the uncomfortable conversations, instead I embrace them.  The words I write are our shared human experience. Follow along here and on Medium.

Joyful Jewelry


My jewelry creations are an extension of my spiritual journey.  My personal practice is to begin each day with my prayer chord in gratitude.  It centers my every action bringing me back to love in a holy instant. My jewelry is inspired by mindfulness. Currently, I am only making custom orders and exclusively at Open Wings Studio in Munising, Michigan.

The Sacred Table


GASP!  (Did she just call herself a homemaker?)

I love my home.  I have created a sacred space for all who enter.  If Martha Stewart and MacGyver had a baby, it would be me.  My blog Renee's Kitchen is filled with recipes and stories of food from the perpsective of  farm girl turned self taught chef. My dream is to have a "food space" in Ann Arbor, Michigan one day serving the community with local wonderfulness.   My website is full of recipes and stories of food. sent to your inbox!

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