Renee TarantowskiDec 17, 2017

Third Sunday in Advent

Pray without ceasing.  

In everything, give thanks.

In 2009 I started a blog by the same name . . . in everything give thanks.  I thought my life was in the shitter then but I had no idea the free fall I would find myself in.  You know the Wylie Coyote cartoon when he falls off the cliff and lands in a puff of dust . . . that was me.  For years, disappointment after disappointment.  In all that was happening, I gave thanks.  Gratitude was the antidote.  

Joy, it is our focus for this third week of advent. How will you let joy into your life?

Renee TarantowskiDec 3, 2017

Hope-Our First Sunday in Adven

Hope, the first candle lit.  The wisdom scriptures all tell us to be aware, watchful, awake . . . 

They say a person needs just three things to be truly happy in this world: someone to love, something to do, and something to hope for.  Tom Bodett

I love, probably too much.  I thrive to fulfill my life's purpose each day.  I hold onto hope by doing what the Divine sets before me in every moment.  

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